The Benefits of Smiling
By Jennifer, spindpals.com, July 16, 2020
How many times have you smiled today? If you’re an average adult, you’ll smile 20 times today. If you’re a really happy adult, you’ll smile 40-50 times today. That sounds decent, until you compare it to the number of smiles a child expresses each day: 400!
Why do we smile and how does it affect our brain? Here’s the sequence of events:
Other benefits of smiling:
What about fake smiles? It turns out that fake/”social” smiling enough can actually bias your brain to thinking you are genuinely happy due to the positive feedback loop.
—>FUN FACT: A single smile can stimulate neurotransmitters as much as 2000 bars of chocolate, but without the sugar crash and stomach ache!
When you next pass someone on the street, flash your pearly whites. You’ll make them feel good and cheer yourself up as well.
“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
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