Purchase books right from this web page (through Amazon Smile) and a portion of the proceeds benefit the San Diego Brain Injury Foundation! Thank You!
Hope Survives: Strength After A Traumatic Brain Injury
By Megan Loiaconi Hurley
Megan Loiaconi Hurley was an English teacher, one of the best. She loved English literature and inspired her high school students to appreciate the classics by transforming her classroom into one of the scenes from Othello or showing up in class dressed as one of her favorite characters from The Great Gatsby. Megan had a command of the English language and could previously write without hesitation. That was until she suffered a traumatic brain injury. Megan was pursuing her master’s degree and while in a local library, she fell on the marble floor due to a grand mal seizure, fracturing her skull. The resulting traumatic brain injury left her without the ability to put thoughts and words together in a coherent manner. However, as Megan gained strength physically and mentally she was determined to be an author. Piecing her story together ever so slowly, she accomplished a long-time dream of writing her story. Through “Hope Survives: Strength After A Traumatic Brain Injury,” Megan shares an incredible story of survival while helping others understand the challenges and realities of traumatic brain injuries.
By Megan Loiaconi Hurley
Megan Loiaconi Hurley was an English teacher, one of the best. She loved English literature and inspired her high school students to appreciate the classics by transforming her classroom into one of the scenes from Othello or showing up in class dressed as one of her favorite characters from The Great Gatsby. Megan had a command of the English language and could previously write without hesitation. That was until she suffered a traumatic brain injury. Megan was pursuing her master’s degree and while in a local library, she fell on the marble floor due to a grand mal seizure, fracturing her skull. The resulting traumatic brain injury left her without the ability to put thoughts and words together in a coherent manner. However, as Megan gained strength physically and mentally she was determined to be an author. Piecing her story together ever so slowly, she accomplished a long-time dream of writing her story. Through “Hope Survives: Strength After A Traumatic Brain Injury,” Megan shares an incredible story of survival while helping others understand the challenges and realities of traumatic brain injuries.

Being Brain Healthy
Ruth Curran
The journey to wellness when coming back from a brain injury can be a long one. It is one that author Ruth Curran knows well. Faced with a myriad of challenges after her own brain injury, she decided to turn up the volume on the things that she loved and found ways to work through the discomfort and discouragement that can plague so many who are faced with this devastating diagnosis. Her own path – one that took 18 months – is one that she shares with readers in Being Brain Healthy. Being Brain Healthy is a book of hope. Curran shares insights on healing after a brain trauma with readers and has the unique ability to explain complex neuroscience, concussion, tbi, post traumatic stress concepts in a way that makes sense to even those who are just taking their first steps on the road to recovery.
Ruth Curran
The journey to wellness when coming back from a brain injury can be a long one. It is one that author Ruth Curran knows well. Faced with a myriad of challenges after her own brain injury, she decided to turn up the volume on the things that she loved and found ways to work through the discomfort and discouragement that can plague so many who are faced with this devastating diagnosis. Her own path – one that took 18 months – is one that she shares with readers in Being Brain Healthy. Being Brain Healthy is a book of hope. Curran shares insights on healing after a brain trauma with readers and has the unique ability to explain complex neuroscience, concussion, tbi, post traumatic stress concepts in a way that makes sense to even those who are just taking their first steps on the road to recovery.

OUT OF MY HEAD: My Life In and Out of Football (Concussion Inc. Book 3)
George Visger
This book is about George Visger, a member of the San Francisco 49ers’ first Super Bowl champions in 1981-82, who has lived with a shunt in his brain ever since as a result of the many concussions he sustained during his football career. Despite suffering from “water on the brain” and impaired short-term memory, he became a wildlife biologist, a prominent figure in the fight for fair treatment of retired players by the $10-billion-a-year National Football League, and advocate in solutions to the American football concussion crisis at all levels. This is his remarkable story.
George Visger
This book is about George Visger, a member of the San Francisco 49ers’ first Super Bowl champions in 1981-82, who has lived with a shunt in his brain ever since as a result of the many concussions he sustained during his football career. Despite suffering from “water on the brain” and impaired short-term memory, he became a wildlife biologist, a prominent figure in the fight for fair treatment of retired players by the $10-billion-a-year National Football League, and advocate in solutions to the American football concussion crisis at all levels. This is his remarkable story.

Successfully Surviving a Brain Injury: A Family Guidebook, From the Emergency Room to Selecting a Rehabilitation Facility
Garry Prowe
This book is an easy-to-read guide for families suddenly thrust into the painful and confusing world of brain injury. It teaches readers the basics of brain trauma. It guides them step-by-step through the recovery process. It provides the practical information they need to handle the insurance, financial, legal, emotional, family, and personal issues that accompany a brain injury. It also describes the wide range of impairments caused by brain trauma and the factors that influence how well someone recovers. This book is not only a practical and essential road map to a successful recovery, it also is an inspirational story of how one couple overcame profound changes in their relationship and began to create a fulfilling new life.
Garry Prowe
This book is an easy-to-read guide for families suddenly thrust into the painful and confusing world of brain injury. It teaches readers the basics of brain trauma. It guides them step-by-step through the recovery process. It provides the practical information they need to handle the insurance, financial, legal, emotional, family, and personal issues that accompany a brain injury. It also describes the wide range of impairments caused by brain trauma and the factors that influence how well someone recovers. This book is not only a practical and essential road map to a successful recovery, it also is an inspirational story of how one couple overcame profound changes in their relationship and began to create a fulfilling new life.

The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
Norman Doidge
This book explains and provides case studies of the brains ability to “rewire” itself. It used to be thought that the brain was like a machine and if one part of the machine was damaged, it was damaged permanently. However, new research is showing that the brain is like a muscle that can compensate for lost and damaged parts.
Norman Doidge
This book explains and provides case studies of the brains ability to “rewire” itself. It used to be thought that the brain was like a machine and if one part of the machine was damaged, it was damaged permanently. However, new research is showing that the brain is like a muscle that can compensate for lost and damaged parts.

In an Instant: A Family’s Journey of Love and Healing
Lee Woodruff
This book is about the recovery of the ABC World News Tonight co-anchor Bob Woodruff who was injured by an IED while he was imbedded with the military in Iraq in January 2006. He suffered a traumatic brain injury that nearly killed him. This book follows his recovery process and includes the challenges he, his wife and his family faced.
Lee Woodruff
This book is about the recovery of the ABC World News Tonight co-anchor Bob Woodruff who was injured by an IED while he was imbedded with the military in Iraq in January 2006. He suffered a traumatic brain injury that nearly killed him. This book follows his recovery process and includes the challenges he, his wife and his family faced.

Coping with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Dr. Diane Roberts Stoler
This book provides guidance for living with mild traumatic brain injury. The author, Dr. Stoler explains what is involved in diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of TBI survivors. She focuses on day-to-day living and gives practical suggestions for coping with the various symptoms such as migraines, depression, seizures, etc.
Dr. Diane Roberts Stoler
This book provides guidance for living with mild traumatic brain injury. The author, Dr. Stoler explains what is involved in diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of TBI survivors. She focuses on day-to-day living and gives practical suggestions for coping with the various symptoms such as migraines, depression, seizures, etc.

A Mind of My Own: Memoir of Recovery from Aphasia
Harrianne Mills
This book is the true story of the recovery of Harrianne Mills, a classical antiquity professor, who suffered a traumatic brain injury from a motorcycle accident in Greece. She tells her story from multiple perspective, using journal entries, medical records, letters, and more. Her struggle to return to normal life is an inspirational story about the human spirit.
Harrianne Mills
This book is the true story of the recovery of Harrianne Mills, a classical antiquity professor, who suffered a traumatic brain injury from a motorcycle accident in Greece. She tells her story from multiple perspective, using journal entries, medical records, letters, and more. Her struggle to return to normal life is an inspirational story about the human spirit.

Being with Rachel: A Story of Memory and Survival
Karen Brennan
This book chronicles the story of a mother’s care for her daughter who suffered a traumatic brain injury. Rachel Brennan was in a deep coma for months while Karen, her mother stayed by her side, filling her time by learning about brain injuries and monitoring Rachel’s care. When Rachel finally awoke, she had severe short-term memory, speech and mobility problems. While the story is inspirational, it focuses on the medical issues that Rachel faced and thus will be most interesting to those who have either survived a traumatic brain injury or know someone who has survived.
Karen Brennan
This book chronicles the story of a mother’s care for her daughter who suffered a traumatic brain injury. Rachel Brennan was in a deep coma for months while Karen, her mother stayed by her side, filling her time by learning about brain injuries and monitoring Rachel’s care. When Rachel finally awoke, she had severe short-term memory, speech and mobility problems. While the story is inspirational, it focuses on the medical issues that Rachel faced and thus will be most interesting to those who have either survived a traumatic brain injury or know someone who has survived.

Reflections of a Different Journey: What Adults with Disability Wish All Parents Knew
Stanley Klein, John Kemp, Stanley Klein, and John Kemp
This book is a collect of 40 stories by successful adults who grew up with disabilities. It provides an inside look at what it is like for children and teens with disabilities and gives insight into what is takes to persevere in the face of prejudice.
Stanley Klein, John Kemp, Stanley Klein, and John Kemp
This book is a collect of 40 stories by successful adults who grew up with disabilities. It provides an inside look at what it is like for children and teens with disabilities and gives insight into what is takes to persevere in the face of prejudice.

Ketchup on the Baseboard: Rebuilding Life After Brain Injury
Carolyn Rocchio
This book by Carolyn Rocchio chronicles her son’s brain injury over 20 years from coma care to rehabilitation and living in the community.
Carolyn Rocchio
This book by Carolyn Rocchio chronicles her son’s brain injury over 20 years from coma care to rehabilitation and living in the community.

Second Life, Second Chance! A Teacher’s Chronicle of Despair, Recovery and Triumph
Anthony Aquan-Assee
On September 23, 1997, Anthony Aquan-Assee suffered a traumatic brain injury on his way to school when he was involved in a motorcycle accident. This book chronicles the impact of Anthony TBI and the steps that took to cope with the resulting challenges.
Anthony Aquan-Assee
On September 23, 1997, Anthony Aquan-Assee suffered a traumatic brain injury on his way to school when he was involved in a motorcycle accident. This book chronicles the impact of Anthony TBI and the steps that took to cope with the resulting challenges.

Head Cases: Stories of Brain Injury and Its Aftermath
Michael Paul Mason
Michael Paul Mason, a case manager in Tulsa, OK, for people living with TBI, tells the compelling stories of average Americans who suffered traumatic brain injuries. Mason tells of the tremendous courage and perseverance these TBI survivors and their families exhibit as they work to re-establish the everyday skills they need to function. He also indicts the health-care system for failing to provide facilities and services that millions like his clients need.
Michael Paul Mason
Michael Paul Mason, a case manager in Tulsa, OK, for people living with TBI, tells the compelling stories of average Americans who suffered traumatic brain injuries. Mason tells of the tremendous courage and perseverance these TBI survivors and their families exhibit as they work to re-establish the everyday skills they need to function. He also indicts the health-care system for failing to provide facilities and services that millions like his clients need.

Where is the Mango Princess: A Journey Back from Brain Injury
Cathy Crimmins
Cathy Crimmins husband Al, suffered a traumatic brain injury while on vacation. This book chronicles Al’s injury, treatment and rehabilitation. It focuses on their struggle with their HMO to get the proper care and rehabilitation services and on the many changes in Al’s personality. Crimmins worries about being married to a stranger, one who was once interested in Samuel Beckett, but now chuckles at cartoons. This book is an honest portrayal of the challenges that face caregivers.
Cathy Crimmins
Cathy Crimmins husband Al, suffered a traumatic brain injury while on vacation. This book chronicles Al’s injury, treatment and rehabilitation. It focuses on their struggle with their HMO to get the proper care and rehabilitation services and on the many changes in Al’s personality. Crimmins worries about being married to a stranger, one who was once interested in Samuel Beckett, but now chuckles at cartoons. This book is an honest portrayal of the challenges that face caregivers.

Head Injury: The Facts: A Guide for Families and Care-givers (The Facts Series)
Dorothy Gronwall, Philip Wrightson, Peter Waddell
Individuals who suffer traumatic brain injuries face many new and overwhelming challenges in everyday living. However, the caregivers and families of TBI survivors also face unique challenges. This book gives a clear and understandable explanation of head injuries, the treatment and rehabilitation. It also provides information on the effects of TBI on caregivers and families and suggestions on managing day-to-day life.
Dorothy Gronwall, Philip Wrightson, Peter Waddell
Individuals who suffer traumatic brain injuries face many new and overwhelming challenges in everyday living. However, the caregivers and families of TBI survivors also face unique challenges. This book gives a clear and understandable explanation of head injuries, the treatment and rehabilitation. It also provides information on the effects of TBI on caregivers and families and suggestions on managing day-to-day life.

Missing Pieces
Marilyn Colter Maxwell
Marilyn Colter’s husband, Dale, suffered a brain injury during surgery in 1982. This book tells the story of how she and her family coped with the fear, anger, guilt and depression they experienced during Dale’s recovery and rehabilitation. The book provides advice and exercises for families who are facing similar challenges.
Marilyn Colter Maxwell
Marilyn Colter’s husband, Dale, suffered a brain injury during surgery in 1982. This book tells the story of how she and her family coped with the fear, anger, guilt and depression they experienced during Dale’s recovery and rehabilitation. The book provides advice and exercises for families who are facing similar challenges.

Living with Brain Injury: Guide for Families
Richard C Senelick
This new, updated version of Living with Brain Injury will help readers understand neuroplasticity and brain rehabilitation.
Richard C Senelick
This new, updated version of Living with Brain Injury will help readers understand neuroplasticity and brain rehabilitation.

Over My Head: A Doctor’s Own Story of Head Injury from the Inside Looking Out
Claudia L. Osborn
This is the story of Claudia L. Osborn, a clinical professor of medicine who suffered a traumatic brain injury at the age of 36. Osborn tells the story of her recovery, from coming to terms with the loss of her profession and identity to the steps and missteps of rebuilding to normal life.
Claudia L. Osborn
This is the story of Claudia L. Osborn, a clinical professor of medicine who suffered a traumatic brain injury at the age of 36. Osborn tells the story of her recovery, from coming to terms with the loss of her profession and identity to the steps and missteps of rebuilding to normal life.

My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientists Personal Journey
Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D.
In 1996, Jill Bolte Taylor, a thirty-seven-year-old neuroanatomist experienced a massive stroke when a blood vessel exploded in the left side of her brain. The effects of this stroke left her unable to walk, talk, read, wrote, or recall her life. The left side of her brain was damaged and would swing in and out of function. Taylor uses her educational and professional background to share her unique perspective on the brain and its capacity for recovery. It took eight years for Taylor to heal completely and when she did recover, she was left with a deep respect and altered understanding of the power of the right side of the brain.
Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D.
In 1996, Jill Bolte Taylor, a thirty-seven-year-old neuroanatomist experienced a massive stroke when a blood vessel exploded in the left side of her brain. The effects of this stroke left her unable to walk, talk, read, wrote, or recall her life. The left side of her brain was damaged and would swing in and out of function. Taylor uses her educational and professional background to share her unique perspective on the brain and its capacity for recovery. It took eight years for Taylor to heal completely and when she did recover, she was left with a deep respect and altered understanding of the power of the right side of the brain.

Gray Matters: Brain Injury The Inside Perspective
Hillary (Heidi) Lerner
Gray Matters is a book of poetry by Heidi Lerner, a woman who lived through a near-fatal head injury. Her personal experience with TBI, related through her poetry will help other TBI survivors cope and better understand their injuries or themselves.
The book also gives the reader a better understanding of what it is like to walk in the shoes of a brain injury survivor.
Hillary (Heidi) Lerner
Gray Matters is a book of poetry by Heidi Lerner, a woman who lived through a near-fatal head injury. Her personal experience with TBI, related through her poetry will help other TBI survivors cope and better understand their injuries or themselves.
The book also gives the reader a better understanding of what it is like to walk in the shoes of a brain injury survivor.

Surviving Head Trauma: A Guide to Recovery Written by a Traumatic Brain Injury Patient
Terry Smith
This book is the story of Terry Smith, a Marine who suffering a traumatic brain injury when his transport vehicle flipped at USMC Officer Candidate School in Quantico, VA. Smith had to relearn how to walk, talk, eat and think and has had to learn how to cope with seizures, anxiety, insomnia, paranoia, and memory loss. This book chronicles his years of trial and error, demonstrating that rehabilitation is a never ending process for TBI survivors.
Terry Smith
This book is the story of Terry Smith, a Marine who suffering a traumatic brain injury when his transport vehicle flipped at USMC Officer Candidate School in Quantico, VA. Smith had to relearn how to walk, talk, eat and think and has had to learn how to cope with seizures, anxiety, insomnia, paranoia, and memory loss. This book chronicles his years of trial and error, demonstrating that rehabilitation is a never ending process for TBI survivors.

A Moment in Time
Mary S. Hanson
This book is the story of a family and their daughter who suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident. It chronicles the daughters struggle to regain functioning and the families’ struggle to remake itself and triumph over difficult circumstances.
Mary S. Hanson
This book is the story of a family and their daughter who suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident. It chronicles the daughters struggle to regain functioning and the families’ struggle to remake itself and triumph over difficult circumstances.

An Almost Fatal Miracle
Roger Daniel Rizzo
In 1995, civil trial attorney Roger Daniel Rizzo suffered a traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle accident that left him in a coma for over six weeks. This is his story of survival and the new life he had to create.
Roger Daniel Rizzo
In 1995, civil trial attorney Roger Daniel Rizzo suffered a traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle accident that left him in a coma for over six weeks. This is his story of survival and the new life he had to create.

An Educator’s Manual: What Educators Need to Know about Students with Brain Injury
Gary F. Wolcott (Author, Editor), Ronald C. Savage (Author, Editor)
This book is an essential tool and practical resource for educators, classroom teachers and parents working with students with a brain injury. Experts in special education lend insight and information useful in meeting the needs of students with brain injury. It offers an overview of the effects of brain injury from education perspective with guidelines and standards for students with brain injury.
Gary F. Wolcott (Author, Editor), Ronald C. Savage (Author, Editor)
This book is an essential tool and practical resource for educators, classroom teachers and parents working with students with a brain injury. Experts in special education lend insight and information useful in meeting the needs of students with brain injury. It offers an overview of the effects of brain injury from education perspective with guidelines and standards for students with brain injury.

Behavior Analysis Guidelines and Brain Injury Rehabilitation: People, Principles, and Programs
Harvey E. Jacobs
This reference manual explains the implementation of behavior analysis in brain injury rehabilitation and is an excellent resource for educators. It includes guidelines for the application of some of the basic principles of behavior analysis and reviews more advanced concepts, including social skills training, complex skill building and personal empowerment.
Harvey E. Jacobs
This reference manual explains the implementation of behavior analysis in brain injury rehabilitation and is an excellent resource for educators. It includes guidelines for the application of some of the basic principles of behavior analysis and reviews more advanced concepts, including social skills training, complex skill building and personal empowerment.

The Water Giver
Joan Ryan
Both a medical drama and meditation on motherhood, The Water Giver is Joan Ryan’s honest account of her doubts and mistakes in raising a learning-disabled son and the story of how his near-fatal accident gave her a second chance as a parent.
Joan Ryan
Both a medical drama and meditation on motherhood, The Water Giver is Joan Ryan’s honest account of her doubts and mistakes in raising a learning-disabled son and the story of how his near-fatal accident gave her a second chance as a parent.

A Three Dog Life
Abigail Thomas
When Abigail Thomas’s husband, Rich, was hit by a car, his skull was shattered, his brain severely damaged. Subject to rages, terrors, and hallucinations—and with no memory of what he did the hour, the day, the year before—he was sent to live in a nursing facility that specializes in treating traumatic brain injuries. This tragedy is the ground on which Abigail had to build a new life. How she built that life is a story of great courage and change, of moving to a small country town, of a new family composed of three dogs, knitting, and friendship, of facing down guilt and discovering gratitude. It is also about her relationship with Rich, a man who lived in the eternal present, and the eerie poetry of his often uncanny perceptions. Hailed by Stephen King as “the best memoir I have ever read,” this wise, plainspoken, beautiful book enacts the truth Abigail has discovered since the accident: You might not find meaning in disaster, but you might, with effort, make something useful of it.
Abigail Thomas
When Abigail Thomas’s husband, Rich, was hit by a car, his skull was shattered, his brain severely damaged. Subject to rages, terrors, and hallucinations—and with no memory of what he did the hour, the day, the year before—he was sent to live in a nursing facility that specializes in treating traumatic brain injuries. This tragedy is the ground on which Abigail had to build a new life. How she built that life is a story of great courage and change, of moving to a small country town, of a new family composed of three dogs, knitting, and friendship, of facing down guilt and discovering gratitude. It is also about her relationship with Rich, a man who lived in the eternal present, and the eerie poetry of his often uncanny perceptions. Hailed by Stephen King as “the best memoir I have ever read,” this wise, plainspoken, beautiful book enacts the truth Abigail has discovered since the accident: You might not find meaning in disaster, but you might, with effort, make something useful of it.

I’ll Carry the Fork!
Kara L. Swanson
Written with laugh-out-loud humor, candor, and technical input from medical and legal professionals, “I’ll Carry the Fork!” offers inspiration and practical help to anyone dealing with the aftermath of brain injury. Because as Kara says, “Sometimes when your life ends, you don’t actually die.”
Kara L. Swanson
Written with laugh-out-loud humor, candor, and technical input from medical and legal professionals, “I’ll Carry the Fork!” offers inspiration and practical help to anyone dealing with the aftermath of brain injury. Because as Kara says, “Sometimes when your life ends, you don’t actually die.”

Don’t Give Up, Don’t Ever Give Up
Brian Webb
Life happens while making plans. When life suddenly turns tragic and nothing makes sense, how is one able to move forward? The dreams and ambitions once hoped for have now faded away. How is one to cope? What can one do? This is the story of Brian Webb, a recent college graduate, whose world is suddenly thrown into the storms of life…..and survives.
Brian Webb
Life happens while making plans. When life suddenly turns tragic and nothing makes sense, how is one able to move forward? The dreams and ambitions once hoped for have now faded away. How is one to cope? What can one do? This is the story of Brian Webb, a recent college graduate, whose world is suddenly thrown into the storms of life…..and survives.

Gifts from the Broken Jar
P.J. Long
Everyone, at some time, learns how life can change in a moment: with the crossing of the center line on a highway or the reading of a blood test; a telephone’s knell in the still of night or a spouse’s hesitation before the unspeakable is spoken. Occasionally, out of the turmoil emerges a work of exceptional wisdom and beauty. Gifts from the Broken Jar is one such work. Psychotherapist PJ Long’s life-altering moment came when the bolt of a terrified horse left her brain-injured. She became a stranger to herself, unable to drive a car, prepare a meal, or carry on a conversation. But when PJ began to write, pen and ink acted as needle and thread, mending her torn mind and stitching together a new life. Lessons she had gleaned over years of helping others returned to guide her. And as PJ wrote, she gained profound insight into the resilience of the spirit and the unexpected joys of everyday life.
P.J. Long
Everyone, at some time, learns how life can change in a moment: with the crossing of the center line on a highway or the reading of a blood test; a telephone’s knell in the still of night or a spouse’s hesitation before the unspeakable is spoken. Occasionally, out of the turmoil emerges a work of exceptional wisdom and beauty. Gifts from the Broken Jar is one such work. Psychotherapist PJ Long’s life-altering moment came when the bolt of a terrified horse left her brain-injured. She became a stranger to herself, unable to drive a car, prepare a meal, or carry on a conversation. But when PJ began to write, pen and ink acted as needle and thread, mending her torn mind and stitching together a new life. Lessons she had gleaned over years of helping others returned to guide her. And as PJ wrote, she gained profound insight into the resilience of the spirit and the unexpected joys of everyday life.

The Total Brain Workout: 450 Puzzles to Sharpen Your Mind, Improve Your Memory and Keep Your Brain Fit
Marcel Danesi
In The Total Brain Workout you’ll find 450 fun, challenging and absorbing puzzles designed to specifically target the core parts of your brain that control language, logic, memory, reasoning and visual perception. Each set of puzzles ranges from easy to challenging, and is presented with information on the area of your brain being targeted and the functions it controls, so you can customize your own workout to the specific areas you want to improve.
Marcel Danesi
In The Total Brain Workout you’ll find 450 fun, challenging and absorbing puzzles designed to specifically target the core parts of your brain that control language, logic, memory, reasoning and visual perception. Each set of puzzles ranges from easy to challenging, and is presented with information on the area of your brain being targeted and the functions it controls, so you can customize your own workout to the specific areas you want to improve.

The Big Book of Brain Games: 1,000 PlayThinks of Art, Mathematics and Science
Ivan Moscovich
About the original 1000 PlayThinks, Will Shortz of The New York Times said it best: “The most wide-ranging, visually appealing, entertaining, gigantic collection of brainteasers since Sam Loyd’s Cyclopedia of Puzzles almost a century ago.” Inside The Big Book of Brain Games, you will find an obsessive collection of 1,000 challenges, puzzles, riddles, illusions—originals as well as must-do classics—it’s like salted peanuts for the brain. With jampacked pages and a full-color illustration for each entry, the book, opened anywhere, is a call to action. (And it’s guaranteed to make you smarter.) Twelve basic categories include Geometry, Patterns, Numbers, Logic and Probability, and Perception. An easy-to-read key at the top of each game ranks its difficulty on a scale of 1 to 10, while indices in the back cross-reference the puzzles. (You’ll find the answers back there, too.)
Ivan Moscovich
About the original 1000 PlayThinks, Will Shortz of The New York Times said it best: “The most wide-ranging, visually appealing, entertaining, gigantic collection of brainteasers since Sam Loyd’s Cyclopedia of Puzzles almost a century ago.” Inside The Big Book of Brain Games, you will find an obsessive collection of 1,000 challenges, puzzles, riddles, illusions—originals as well as must-do classics—it’s like salted peanuts for the brain. With jampacked pages and a full-color illustration for each entry, the book, opened anywhere, is a call to action. (And it’s guaranteed to make you smarter.) Twelve basic categories include Geometry, Patterns, Numbers, Logic and Probability, and Perception. An easy-to-read key at the top of each game ranks its difficulty on a scale of 1 to 10, while indices in the back cross-reference the puzzles. (You’ll find the answers back there, too.)

The Brain Injury Workbook: Exercises for Cognitive Rehabilitation (Speechmark Practical Therapy Manual)
Trevor Powell
Evolved from working with head injured groups at Headway and those attempting to return to work, this is a rich, comprehensive and photocopiable workbook for professionals, carers and clients. It contains over 140 cognitive rehabilitation exercises – tailored for memory, thinking skills, executive functions, awareness and insight, and emotional adjustment. It provides more than 40 information sheets on key problem areas, with questions for the reader, designed to educate and stimulate thinking and discussion.
Trevor Powell
Evolved from working with head injured groups at Headway and those attempting to return to work, this is a rich, comprehensive and photocopiable workbook for professionals, carers and clients. It contains over 140 cognitive rehabilitation exercises – tailored for memory, thinking skills, executive functions, awareness and insight, and emotional adjustment. It provides more than 40 information sheets on key problem areas, with questions for the reader, designed to educate and stimulate thinking and discussion.

The Thinking Skills Workbook: A Cognitive Skills Remediation Manual for Adults
Mary Languirand and Lynn Tondat Ruggeri
This new fourth edition is designed for use with adults who have suffered a stroke or other brain injury or who are affected by the aging process. While the fundamental format covering such skills areas as visual scanning, reading, observing, information acquisition, listening, memory, and abstract reasoning has remained the same, each of the individual training sections has been revised and updated with additional exercises and teacher suggestions for the teacher-learner team. The authors focus on the importance of personal choice, responsibility, health, and wellness in successful recovery. The Thinking Skills Workbook will be a valuable tool for facilitating the recovery of cognitive skills and is written for easy use by professional rehabilitation staff, paraprofessionals, and/or family members. The incorporation of these effective learning strategies, along with the many revisions, will make the book very useful and provide for a rewarding experience for both teacher and learner.
Mary Languirand and Lynn Tondat Ruggeri
This new fourth edition is designed for use with adults who have suffered a stroke or other brain injury or who are affected by the aging process. While the fundamental format covering such skills areas as visual scanning, reading, observing, information acquisition, listening, memory, and abstract reasoning has remained the same, each of the individual training sections has been revised and updated with additional exercises and teacher suggestions for the teacher-learner team. The authors focus on the importance of personal choice, responsibility, health, and wellness in successful recovery. The Thinking Skills Workbook will be a valuable tool for facilitating the recovery of cognitive skills and is written for easy use by professional rehabilitation staff, paraprofessionals, and/or family members. The incorporation of these effective learning strategies, along with the many revisions, will make the book very useful and provide for a rewarding experience for both teacher and learner.

Great Big Giant Book of Word Games
Richard Manchester
This is the newest compilation of fun exercises and is an invaluable tool for traumatic brain injury survivors. There are puzzles for every mood and every level that will challenge TBI survivor to exercise their brain and give them hours of entertainment.
Richard Manchester
This is the newest compilation of fun exercises and is an invaluable tool for traumatic brain injury survivors. There are puzzles for every mood and every level that will challenge TBI survivor to exercise their brain and give them hours of entertainment.

Brain Games: Lower Your Brain Age in Minutes a Day (Books 1 – 5)
Elkhorn Goldberg, Ph.D. (Consultant)
This series of books was developed to help people increase their memory, sharpen their reasoning, and expand their creative thinking. It includes language, logic, spatial awareness and creative thinking exercises that will provide a good mental workout for survivors of traumatic brain injury.
Elkhorn Goldberg, Ph.D. (Consultant)
This series of books was developed to help people increase their memory, sharpen their reasoning, and expand their creative thinking. It includes language, logic, spatial awareness and creative thinking exercises that will provide a good mental workout for survivors of traumatic brain injury.

Brain Games Picture Puzzles
Editors of Publications International
The Brain Games series was developed to challenge your powers of observation and stimulate your ability to focus and concentrate. It is especially good for traumatic brain injury survivors because it exercises the brain’s ability to notice small changes and with practice, increases the ability to focus. This book shows two or more pictures that seemingly are identical, but subtle changes have been made to one of the pictures. It is up to you to find what has been altered!
Editors of Publications International
The Brain Games series was developed to challenge your powers of observation and stimulate your ability to focus and concentrate. It is especially good for traumatic brain injury survivors because it exercises the brain’s ability to notice small changes and with practice, increases the ability to focus. This book shows two or more pictures that seemingly are identical, but subtle changes have been made to one of the pictures. It is up to you to find what has been altered!

Beef Up Your Brain: The Big Book of 301 Brain-Building Exercises, Puzzles and Games!
Michel Noir
This is another book of puzzles and exercises that provide the brain stimulation so necessary to the rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury survivors. It contains more than 301 games, puzzles, and exercises that will give the brain a good workout!
Michel Noir
This is another book of puzzles and exercises that provide the brain stimulation so necessary to the rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury survivors. It contains more than 301 games, puzzles, and exercises that will give the brain a good workout!

The Mind Workout Book: 150 Exercises to Train Your Brain to the Peak of Perfection
Robert Allen
Another workout book for the brain. It provides 150 stimulating exercises, games and puzzles at various levels of difficulty. This book is good for traumatic brain injury survivors because as they progress through recovery and rehabilitation, this book will grow with them and they can choose puzzles that are more challenging.
Robert Allen
Another workout book for the brain. It provides 150 stimulating exercises, games and puzzles at various levels of difficulty. This book is good for traumatic brain injury survivors because as they progress through recovery and rehabilitation, this book will grow with them and they can choose puzzles that are more challenging.

Broccoli for the Brain: 75 Puzzles and Exercises to Boost Your Brain Power!
Michel Noir
This book provides 90 exercises that will help a traumatic brain injury survivor develop concentration, attention and focus skills.
Michel Noir
This book provides 90 exercises that will help a traumatic brain injury survivor develop concentration, attention and focus skills.

365 Exercises for the Mind
Pierre Berloquin
This book has 365 problem-solving exercises that will help survivors of traumatic brain injury rebuild and exercise their skills with numbers, words, logic, concentration, and creativity. The book provides icons at the top of each page that explain which ability is being tested and the level of difficulty.
Pierre Berloquin
This book has 365 problem-solving exercises that will help survivors of traumatic brain injury rebuild and exercise their skills with numbers, words, logic, concentration, and creativity. The book provides icons at the top of each page that explain which ability is being tested and the level of difficulty.

The Big Blue Activity Book; The Big Pink Activity Book
Tony Tallarico
These large print books are children’s activity books that are especially good for recent survivors of traumatic brain injury. The books contain word games, mazes, picture finds, and number games that will help the recent survivor regain language, concentration, focus, number and creativity skills.
Tony Tallarico
These large print books are children’s activity books that are especially good for recent survivors of traumatic brain injury. The books contain word games, mazes, picture finds, and number games that will help the recent survivor regain language, concentration, focus, number and creativity skills.

The Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Workbook
Douglas J. Mason, Psy. D.
This book provides information about the cognitive and psychosocial effects of mild traumatic brain injury. It also provides exercises for improving cognitive deficits and suggestions for managing the psychosocial effects from this type of injury.
Douglas J. Mason, Psy. D.
This book provides information about the cognitive and psychosocial effects of mild traumatic brain injury. It also provides exercises for improving cognitive deficits and suggestions for managing the psychosocial effects from this type of injury.

The Memory Workbook: Breakthrough Techniques to Exercise Your Brain and Improve Your Memory
Douglas J. Mason, Psy. D.
While this book is not specifically written for individuals with TBI, the techniques and memory exercises are useful for the relearning that a TBI survivor needs. The memory exercises cover attention, visual, verbal, rehearsal, recall, association and dream interpretation techniques.
Douglas J. Mason, Psy. D.
While this book is not specifically written for individuals with TBI, the techniques and memory exercises are useful for the relearning that a TBI survivor needs. The memory exercises cover attention, visual, verbal, rehearsal, recall, association and dream interpretation techniques.