Here is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their answers. If you have additional questions, please feel free to send SDBIF an email.
Accordion Sample DescriptionHere is a downloadable guide for Brain Injury Survivors to apply for Social Security Benefits:
How-To Guide for Brain Injury Survivors to apply for Social Security Benefits
Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a blow or jolt to the head. The injury can range from mild to severe and can disrupt the way the brain normally works.
A person does not need to lose consciousness to sustain a concussion.
You cannot see a concussion, but you might notice some of the symptoms right away. Other symptoms can show up days or weeks after the injury. It is best to see a health care professional if you think you might have a concussion. An undiagnosed concussion can affect your abilities at school or work and in everyday activities.
Your concussion symptoms can begin to decrease in the first few weeks/months depending on the severity of your injury. You may notice more difficulty in some situations than others. You might get tired after reading, studying or watching TV. It may be harder to do two things at once, such as talking on the phone and working on the computer.
Take things slow and be patient with yourself. Do not participate in contact sports until your health care professional says it is okay.
Download: Concussion Facts Sheet (pdf 1,683 KB)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an insult to the brain caused by an impact (e.g., fall or car accident), internal damage (e.g., gunshot or surgical intervention) or loss of oxygen. Although not always visible, TBI may cause enduring physical, emotional, intellectual and social changes for the survivor. Long-term effects place an enormous emotional and financial burden on the individual’s family and strain medical and other service systems due to high costs and often life-long needs.
The effects of a head injury result from the soft tissue ofthe brain colliding against the hard surface of the skull. Nerve fibers may be stretched, torn or bruised. Following a minor head injury there are some common problems. Some symptoms occur immediately, but some may become noticeable over time as the person returns to their daily life-style. In many cases, the symptoms cause subtle difficulty in maintaining previous work, school, family or social responsibilities.
Listed below are common problems:
Blurred Vission
Nausea & Vomiting
Sensitivity to Light or Noise
Difficulty Sleeping
Irritable or Moody
Depression or Withdrawl
Increased Frustration
Loss of Interest in Activities
Temper Outbursts
Difficulty concentrating
Slowed Thinking
Reduced organization and efficiency
Difficulty completing task
You may notice things are just “off,” familiar situations seem different and you have to work much harder to do things that came easily before, such as:
• Forgetting names of familiar people
• Losing belongings, forgetting where you put something
• Missing appointments because you forgot
• Small noises and sights distract you
• You feel confused in noisy places like stores
• When interrupted briefly, you forget what you were doing or need time to get back on track
• Fatigue sets in earlier in the day
• You can’t find the right words
• Automatic responses take more thought, effort and time
• You are easily annoyed and more emotional
• Conflicts and arguments occur more often and unexpectedly
• Laughing, crying and anger are much closer to the surface
• You feel like you are “spinning your wheels,” but getting nowhere
• Chores and activities are difficult to complete and may be done in bits and pieces
• Friends or family tell you you’re a “different person” than before, you miss subtle hints and reactions
• Although you know what you want to do, it is difficult to plan how to start and what to do next
These types of problems do not mean you are “going crazy” or are “abnormal,” even though these are not normal experiences for you.