Heidi Lerner is a survivor of a severe Traumatic Brain Injury. This marks 25 years since her injury. She has lived half of her life learning to cope with her condition and it’s inherent complications, yet still approach life with gusto. She has experienced the importance of laughter, right attitude, patience, recreation, nature, strength, flexibility, holistic health and inner peace. She has not let herself be defined by her injury; Heidi pursues athletics and arts, as well as her professional work. As a coach, she is an inspiration for people to understand their injury and get on with living life!
Heidi’s injury motivated and focused her career. She went back to college so she could help and inspire other survivors to become more lively and independent. She obtained her Master’s Degree in Special Education, specifically for people with brain injuries. During her studies, Ms. Lerner benefited greatly from the practice of Pilates and after her schooling, she became a certified Pilates Instructor to supplement her practice.
Being filled with knowledge about Brain Injury (both inwardly and externally through her studies), Heidi was compelled to creatively educate about the much unknown injury to the brain or “Silent Disability”. She chose the format of poetry, as it is the more personally articulate route. She has published “Gray Matters, Brain Injury: The Inside Perspective.”
Heidi has for over 15 years been a diligent and reliable facilitator of Gray Matters Support Groups. She is a Brain Injury Life Coach.